Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Wednesday, December, 15th, 2010

Social Studies Starter - Start Here:
1. Write the following homework and KUDOs in your planner:
*Nok and Bantu choice assignment - due Friday, December 17th, 2010
*Egypt/Nubia study guide - due Friday, December 17th, 2010
*Egypt Project - due Monday, December 20th, 2010
*Egypt TEST - on Tuesday, December 21st, 2010

K – the key features of the Nok and Bantu
U – the similarities and differences between the Nok and Bantu
Do- learn about the Nok culture and the Bantu migration

2. Complete your journal entry from yesterday if you didn't finish.

*Turn to the back of your notebook (where you keep your journal entries) to a NEW page

*On the NEW page write today's date : Tuesday, December 14th, 2010

*Write the following question: (copy what is in green in your notebook as the question)
Write a postcard home to your parents/guardians telling about your riverboat tour along the Nile River. You must include information about: The Nile River Nubia and Kush Meroe Aksum and Adulis

You might start your journal by saying:
Dear mom and dad,

I am enjoying my riverboat tour of the Nile River. I have learned that the Nile River is...

3. Use one the the links below to help you start studying for your test:

Studystack - Egypt
Studystack - Nubia/Kush

What are we doing today?
1. Social Studies Starter
2. Comparing and contrasting the Nok and Bantu cultures of west, central, and southern Africa

Create your own video slideshow at animoto.com.