1. Write the following homework and KUDOs in your planner:
*Nok and Bantu choice assignment (poster, map, news article) - due Friday, December 17th, 2010
*Egypt/Nubia study guide - due Friday, December 17th, 2010
*Egypt Project - due Monday, December 20th, 2010
*Egypt TEST - on Tuesday, December 21st, 2010
K – the key features of the Nok and Bantu
U – the similarities and differences between the Nok and Bantu
Do- learn about the Nok culture and the Bantu migration
2. Work on your study guide or use one of the the links below to help you study for your test:
Studystack - Egypt
Studystack - Nubia/Kush
What are we doing today?
1. Social Studies Starter
2. Comparing and contrasting the Nok and Bantu cultures of west, central, and southern Africa