Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tuesday, February 15th, 2011

Polis Points!!!!! - scroll down and click on older post to see your polis points.

Social Studies Starter - Start Here:
1. Write the following homework and KUDOs in your planner:
*Returned signed progress report
*Greek Government assignment - due Wednesday, February 16th, 2011
*Greek Project - NEW due date Friday, February 25th, 2011

K: the different forms of government in ancient Greece
U: the similarities and differences between the forms of government in ancient Greece
Do: Greek government simulation

2. Open your social studies notebook to the journal section (back part of your notebook).

Write the journal question which is: You work for the president. He has asked you to list of at LEAST five goals he should try to achieve during this next year.

Then, Write your list of goals

What are we doing today?
1. Social Studies Starter
2. Journal, Greek government simulation