1. Write the following in your planner:
*Get parent's signature on Egypt Project - due Monday, December 6th, 2010
*Bring home your Mesopotamia Project - We need room for the Egypt projects!!!
*Egypt Research notes - due Thursday, December 9th, 2010
K- facts about your Egypt topic
U- how your topic is important to the history of Egypt
Do- take notes on your Egypt topic
2. Complete the A, B, C sheet that you picked up on our way into the classroom. Directions are on the top of the page.
3. If you finish your A, B, C sheet try any of the links below:
Tour King Tut's Tomb
The Magic Lesson - click on the teacher' book to start the activity
The Pyramid Challenge
Mummy Maker
Death in Sakkara- Play as a guest
Discover the Egyptian Games
What are we doing today?
1. Social Studies Starter
2. Taking notes on our Egypt project using the internet or library books