Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Wednesday, October 6th, 2010

Social Studies Starter - Start Here:

1. Write the following in your planner:
* Return signed progress report
*Test tomorrow Thursday, October 7th, 2010 - Study, Study, Study, Study

2. Finish checking your study guide if you didn't yesterday. Your study guide key can be found on the left side of Mrs. Wilts' blog under RESOURCES or click below on the link. If your answer is wrong or doesn't have as much detail as the answer key add or change your answer on the study guide. This will allow for you to make sure you are studying the correct answers.

Chapter 2 Hunter-gatherer study guide KEY

3. Refresh your memory on the information we learned before going to Deep Portage. There will be a test coming up next week on archaeologists/historians, hunter-gatherers and complex villages. Click on any of the links below to see how much you remember:


What are we doing today?
1. Social Studies Starter
2. Hunter-gatherer Comic Life